Tag: Galilee
Magdala, Mary Magdalene’s Home Town
Magdala, Migdal in Hebrew and Taricheae in Greek, lies on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee just north of Tiberias. It is possibly the same town called Dalmanutha in Mark chapter 8. During the time of Christ, Magdala was the center for drying, salting, and exporting to the Roman empire fish caught in… Read more
Gideon Chooses 300 Warriors to Defeat the Midianite Hordes
The Spring of Gideon, called the Spring of Herod in the Old Testament, still flows out of a cave at the foot of the Gilboa Mountains as it did in Gideon’s time (around 1400-1300 BC). As recounted in the Judges chapter 7 (Gideon’s full story is in Judges 6:11-8:35). Gideon had previously sent emissaries throughout… Read more
Mount of Beatitudes
The traditional site for the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) is a good place to commemorate the most famous sermon ever given. The sermon certainly took place somewhere close to here. The Mount of Beatitudes is marked by a church set in a tranquil garden and is a good setting to review the sermon… Read more
The City Where Jesus and His Family Worked. Plus the Mona Lisa of the Galilee
In the Galilean city of Zippori is an exquisite mosaic of a beautiful woman. The mosaic artist was a person of rare talent deploying more colored mosaics than normal to a woman in an artistically pleasing pose. The mosaic dates to the Roman or Byzantine period. The city of Zippori, called Diocaesarea by the Romans… Read more
Capernaum “His own city”
Capernaum (meaning Village of Nahum) is referred to as “His own city” in Matthew 9: 1. It was His home during His ministry. At the time of Christ, it was the largest city on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. The district of Capernaum was perhaps the most populated in all of Israel. Because… Read more
First Century Galilee Boat
Also nick-named “Jesus Boat” because it is likely the type and style of boat used for fishing by Jesus’ 4 fisherman disciples, namely Peter, James, John, and Andrew. In the Ginnosar Kibbutz’s Yigal Alon Museum, located on the banks of the Sea of Galilee not far from the city of Magdala ruins, is the excavated… Read more
The Sea of Galilee
Did you know that approximately 75% of the Gospels takes place within sight of the Sea of Galilee? The Sea of Galilee is also known as Lake Tiberias, Lake Kinnerit, and Lake Gennesaret. The lake is the largest natural lake in the Middle East and is roughly harp shaped. It is 12 1/2 miles long… Read more