See and learn about the Holy Lands of the Bible. New sites will be added every week. See the famous and off the beaten track sites referenced in the Bible.

Welcome to Bible Holy Land Blog

Scroll to the bottom to see the title and index of all Posts

The purpose of the blog is to help the Bible come alive as you read. The places that you read about are real places. And the people are real people. My hope is that you will be inspired to visit these places yourself if you have not already done so. This blog will cover sites in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. New sites will be added each week.

The author and his lovely wife

Content Utilization

Photos and commentary are free to use in a classroom setting.

However, the use in any publication is prohibited without the written approval of the blog owner, Dennis Thompson

About the Author

I attended graduate school in Jerusalem Israel for 2 years. My course of study was the Historical Geography of the Old Testament. After studying an event and place in the classroom, the class would take a field trip to the actual site and trace the event in the landscape. Studying in the Holy Land naturally included New Testament sites as well. After my studies in Israel, I finished my Master of Arts degree in the US in Ancient Middle East Studies. Since then studying and visiting Biblical sites has been my life long passion. I have also conducted multiple small tour groups to the land. This blog is an additional support to share my love and knowledge of the Bible with others.

Table of Contents

Save this web address to your Bookmarks, and refer to this page weekly for all newly published content. Just click on the title below to see that article:

  1. The Sea of Galilee
  2. First Century Galilee Boat
  3. Capernaum “His own city”
  4. The Temple Mount of Jerusalem
  5. The 3 Temptations of Christ
  6. The City Where Jesus and His Family Worked. Plus the Mona Lisa of the Galilee
  7. Mount of Beatitudes
  8. Gideon Chooses 300 Warriors to Defeat the Midianite Hordes
  9. Masada, a Fortress and Palace in the Desert
  10. Magdala, Mary Magdalene’s Home Town
  11. “Abraham’s Gate” at Tel Dan and the Battle Account in Genesis 14
  12. Sodom or Gomorrah, Located at Tall el-Hammam in Jordan
  13. “A City That is Set On an Hill Cannot Be Hid”
  14. Pool of Bethesda at Jerusalem
  15. Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
  16. Garden of Gethsemane
  17. The First Trial of Jesus Christ at Caiaphas’ House
  18. Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday
  19. The Last Supper in the Upper Room
  20. Good Friday Crucifixion at Golgotha/Calvary
  21. The Garden Tomb is Empty on Easter Morning
  22. The Mocking of Jesus by the Soldiers: The Roman Game of Kings
  23. The Potter’s Field Where Judas Iscariot Hung Himself
  24. Cana of Galilee Where The Lord Performed the First Miracle
  25. The Gates of Jerusalem
  26. The Tombs of the Virgin Mary
  27. Where Jesus Told Peter to Feed His Sheep, and The Feeding of the Five Thousand
  28. Mt. Tabor: Prophetess Deborah defeats the Canaanites, and A Possible Site For The Lord’s Transfiguration
  29. Israelite Temple at Arad and Who Were the Kenites
  30. The Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel
  31. The Lord’s “Miracle of the Swine” and Casting Out Legion of Devils
  32. The Cursing of the Fig Tree by the Lord, And Fig Trees in the Bible
  33. Nazareth, The Lord’s Childhood Village
  34. Parable Of The 10 Virgins And Their Lamps
  35. Saint Paul at Petra, Jordan
  36. The Real “Exodus” ship, From The Leon Uris Novel, Is In Haifa
  37. “Thou Art The Christ, The Son of The Living God.” Caesarea Philippi
  38. The Dead Sea
  39. Elijah’s Cave in Haifa
  40. Elijah vs 450 Prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel
  41. The Knesset, Israel’s Parliament
  42. Saint Paul in Ceasarea
  43. John the Baptist’s Home Town: Ein Kerem
  44. Apostle Peter Raises the Dead and Takes Gospel to Gentiles from Jaffa
  45. Jesus Christ’s Baptism at Bethabara Beyond Jordan
  46. Ye Are the Light of the World
  47. Funny Signs Around Israel