Tag: Tower of David
The Tower of David in Jerusalem
The Tower of David, a.k.a. The Citadel, is one of the oldest structures in Jerusalem. The first fortress was built on this spot by Herod the Great (about 72 to 1 BC). From that time the fortress has been rebuilt multiple times. It was the site of the Palace-Castle of the Crusader Kings and Queens… Read more
Crusader Buildings in Jerusalem that are Still Observable
The Christian Crusaders (1099 to 1291 AD) built many monumental structures in Jerusalem. Many still exist in part, or in whole. The Kingdom of Jerusalem was established shortly after the conquest of Jerusalem in 1099 AD. There were 24 kings and queens of the kingdom plus 14 regents who ruled in place of an underage… Read more
The Jerusalem Destruction by the Romans in 70 AD, as Exemplified at the “Burnt House”
What is known as the First Jewish Revolt against Rome began in 66 AD. Emperor Nero sent General Vespasian to crush the rebellion. Vespasian’s plan was to first defeat the countryside and to take Jerusalem last. Part way through the war Nero died and Vespasian was made emperor. He left for Rome leaving his son… Read more