See and learn about the Holy Lands of the Bible. New sites will be added every week. See the famous and off the beaten track sites referenced in the Bible.

Tag: New Testament

  • “Thou Art The Christ, The Son of The Living God.” Caesarea Philippi

    Philip the Tetrarch, son of Herod the Great, established the city of Caesarea Philippi in 2 BC. It was Philip’s capitol city from 3 BC to 34 AD. Later it was the capitol of King Herod Agrippa II from 54 to 96 AD. Later still the city’s name was changed to Panias (Banias in Arabic)… Read more

  • Saint Paul at Petra, Jordan

    Saint Paul at Petra, Jordan

    Did Paul visit Petra? Most likely, yes! After Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus, he continued to Damascus where he was baptized and taught the gospel. Because of his testifying of his conversion and belief in the gospel, some of the Damascene’s wanted to kill him. Then followed the famous incident of Paul escaping… Read more

  • Parable Of The 10 Virgins And Their Lamps

    Parable Of The 10 Virgins And Their Lamps

    “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.… Read more

  • Nazareth, The Lord’s Childhood Village

    Nazareth, The Lord’s Childhood Village

    There is a verse that bothered me before I did some research on it, “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2:23. As you read the Gospel of Matthew you will notice that Matthew… Read more

  • The Cursing of the Fig Tree by the Lord, And Fig Trees in the Bible

    The Cursing of the Fig Tree by the Lord, And Fig Trees in the Bible

    After the Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and his second cleansing of the temple, the Lord and his disciples returned to Bethany for the night, on the east side of the Mount of Olives. The following morning the Lord and his disciples returned to Jerusalem traveling west over the Mount of Olives and along the… Read more

  • The Lord’s “Miracle of the Swine” and Casting Out Legion of Devils

    The Lord’s “Miracle of the Swine” and Casting Out Legion of Devils

    The story which is most often referred to as the “Miracle of the Swine” is found in Matthew 8:28-34; Mark 5:1-19; and Luke 8:26-39. The Mark chapter 5 account is as follows: 1 And they came over unto the other side of the sea, into the country of the [Gergesenes]. 2 And when he was come out… Read more

  • Mt. Tabor: Prophetess Deborah defeats the Canaanites, and A Possible Site For The Lord’s Transfiguration

    Mt. Tabor: Prophetess Deborah defeats the Canaanites, and A Possible Site For The Lord’s Transfiguration

    The king of Hazor, the largest Canaanite city in Galilee (and larger than any Israelite city of the period), oppressed the northern Israelite tribes roughly around 1200 BC. Hazor is located north of the Sea of Galilee and along the main highway between Egypt and Mesopotamia (present day Iraq). At this time all of Israel… Read more

  • Where Jesus Told Peter to Feed His Sheep, and The Feeding of the Five Thousand

    After the resurrection and events in Jerusalem, the 11 disciples returned to Galilee. Peter, James, John, Thomas, Nathanael, and two others (unnamed) decided to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee. When they were fishing about 300 feet (91 meters) off shore, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples didn’t recognize him. He asked… Read more

  • The Tombs of the Virgin Mary

    The Tombs of the Virgin Mary

    There are four (that I am aware of) different tombs for the Virgin Mary located in five different countries, plus two places marking her death. The most venerated is in Jerusalem, in the Kidron Valley a few steps away from the Garden of Gethsemane. This location is a grotto and named Church of the Sepulchre… Read more

  • The Gates of Jerusalem

    The Gates of Jerusalem

    First a brief history of the walls. There are eight gates into the walled city of Jerusalem including one gate that is blocked up. The current city walls were built (in 1538 AD) by Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1556 AD) and thereafter maintained by the Ottoman Turkish Empire until 1917. The current walls do not completely… Read more