Tag: Jerusalem
The Jerusalem Destruction by the Romans in 70 AD, as Exemplified at the “Burnt House”
What is known as the First Jewish Revolt against Rome began in 66 AD. Emperor Nero sent General Vespasian to crush the rebellion. Vespasian’s plan was to first defeat the countryside and to take Jerusalem last. Part way through the war Nero died and Vespasian was made emperor. He left for Rome leaving his son… Read more
Driving Out the Money Changers at the Temple in Jerusalem
Money changers are still to be found in Jerusalem as they were at the time of Christ. There are a few differences. They are not on the temple mount as there is nothing there to buy. And there is no trading in livestock. Nevertheless, they are there to exchange your currency into Israeli Shekels. While… Read more
Where Did the Wisemen Visit King Herod? The Herodium
There are two possible locations of where the wisemen (Magi) visited King Herod the Great, seeking for the newborn King of the Jews: “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, Saying, Where is he that is… Read more
Funny Signs Around Israel
I hope you had a laugh. < Previous post on Ye Are the Light of the WorldNext post on Biblical Chariots and Wagons > Return to the Home Page Read more
The Knesset, Israel’s Parliament
The Knesset is Israel’s parliament, and is the sole authority to pass laws, to supervise the government services, and to choose the President of Israel. The Knesset consists of 120 seats. Unlike the US and UK, members are not elected in a geographic district. Members of the Knesset are elected proportionally by party in a… Read more
The Cursing of the Fig Tree by the Lord, And Fig Trees in the Bible
After the Lord’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem and his second cleansing of the temple, the Lord and his disciples returned to Bethany for the night, on the east side of the Mount of Olives. The following morning the Lord and his disciples returned to Jerusalem traveling west over the Mount of Olives and along the… Read more
The Great Synagogue in Jerusalem, Israel
This week I am taking a little side trip from Biblical sites to other Holyland sites; I shall return to Biblical sites next week. The Great Synagogue in Jerusalem was built to replace the Hurva (also spelt Churva) Synagogue in the Old City which was destroyed by the Palestinians and Jordanians in the 1948 War… Read more
The Tombs of the Virgin Mary
There are four (that I am aware of) different tombs for the Virgin Mary located in five different countries, plus two places marking her death. The most venerated is in Jerusalem, in the Kidron Valley a few steps away from the Garden of Gethsemane. This location is a grotto and named Church of the Sepulchre… Read more
The Gates of Jerusalem
First a brief history of the walls. There are eight gates into the walled city of Jerusalem including one gate that is blocked up. The current city walls were built (in 1538 AD) by Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1556 AD) and thereafter maintained by the Ottoman Turkish Empire until 1917. The current walls do not completely… Read more
The Potter’s Field Where Judas Iscariot Hung Himself
The traditional site as identified by St. Jerome (about 345-420 AD) as the Field of Blood (Matthew 27:8) and the Potter’s Field (Acts 1:18-19) where Judas Iscariot hung himself after betraying Jesus Christ near the Garden of Gethsemane. “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought… Read more