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Tag: Jaffa Gate

  • The Jerusalem Destruction by the Romans in 70 AD, as Exemplified at the “Burnt House”

    What is known as the First Jewish Revolt against Rome began in 66 AD. Emperor Nero sent General Vespasian to crush the rebellion. Vespasian’s plan was to first defeat the countryside and to take Jerusalem last. Part way through the war Nero died and Vespasian was made emperor. He left for Rome leaving his son… Read more

  • The Gates of Jerusalem

    The Gates of Jerusalem

    First a brief history of the walls. There are eight gates into the walled city of Jerusalem including one gate that is blocked up. The current city walls were built (in 1538 AD) by Suleiman the Magnificent (1494-1556 AD) and thereafter maintained by the Ottoman Turkish Empire until 1917. The current walls do not completely… Read more