Tag: Herod
The Tower of David in Jerusalem
The Tower of David, a.k.a. The Citadel, is one of the oldest structures in Jerusalem. The first fortress was built on this spot by Herod the Great (about 72 to 1 BC). From that time the fortress has been rebuilt multiple times. It was the site of the Palace-Castle of the Crusader Kings and Queens… Read more
Gideon Chooses 300 Warriors to Defeat the Midianite Hordes
The Spring of Gideon, called the Spring of Herod in the Old Testament, still flows out of a cave at the foot of the Gilboa Mountains as it did in Gideon’s time (around 1400-1300 BC). As recounted in the Judges chapter 7 (Gideon’s full story is in Judges 6:11-8:35). Gideon had previously sent emissaries throughout… Read more