The olive and its oil are an amazing and wonderful fruit and oil. It is mentioned throughout all scripture for both it’s religious and health uses. Both uses seem to be related to each other in some way.
Let’s first review the health benefits of olive oil. When I say olive oil, I am only referring to those varieties that are high in polyphenols and are of course cold-pressed extra virgin. According to healthline.com:
- Olive oil has healthy fats, a high percentage of oleic acid which some studies indicate reduces inflammation and stress, and may even have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer.
- It has large amounts of antioxidants which help reduce risk of chronic diseases that affect the cardiovascular and the central nervous system. Antioxidants also fight inflammation and help protect blood cholesterol from oxidation. Olive oil antioxidants may also work as an anti-inflammatory similar to ibuprofen.
- It has a modest amount of both vitamin E and K.
- Stroke is the second highest cause of death in the world but olive oil studies are mixed. Some indicate that the daily intake of olive oil reduces the chance of strokes, while other studies indicate negligible results. More studies are needed to definitively prove one way or the other.
- Heart disease is the highest cause of death in the world. Studies have shown that those who follow a Mediterranean diet are at a reduced risk of heart disease. Extra virgin olive oil is a key ingredient in the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil has shown that it reduces high blood pressure, a major contributor to heart disease.
- Numerous studies show olive oil does not contribute to weight gain.
- Olive oil may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive impairment. However, more studies are needed to prove this.
- Two studies have shown that olive oil reduces blood sugar and helps prevent the development of type 2 diabetes.
- A large study showed that those who digested the largest amounts of olive oil in their diets had a 31% less chance of developing cancer.
- Olive oil can help treat rheumatoid arthritis through it anti-inflammatory properties.
- It may inhibit or kill harmful bacteria in the stomach.
- Olive oil is rich in healthy monounsaturated fats.
- Olive oil may reduce dry skin and flyaway hair.
- It may help repair or prevent liver damage.
There are additional health claims of olive oil, but I can mention only the most prominent.
Unfortunately extra virgin olive oil high in polyphenols is usually not available in the average grocery store. You will have to seek out health stores and even then you must question the polyphenol counts. If you cannot find a good olive oil near you, I buy mine from https://redstoneoliveoil.com/. I do not receive remunerations from them for promoting them. I only offer this as a resource for those who may want it. There are other online sites that sell the “good kind” of olive oil too.
There are many other non-health related uses for olive oil, from removing eye makeup to dusting wood furniture. If you’re interested, google it.

Now with the health benefits in mind, let’s explore some of the religious aspects of olives, olive trees and olive oil. The first mention of the olive is in Genesis 8:10-11, where Noah sends out of the ark a dove, who returns with an olive leaf in her beak, showing Noah that the earth was renewed and the flood waters were receding. From this came the ‘olive branch’ as the universal symbol for peace.
Once planted and tended, it takes a young olive tree about 8 to 10 years before it produces olives. However, if continually cared for, an olive tree can live for over 2,000 years! The olive tree can appear almost immortal and give fruit for countless generations contributing to its symbolism. Anciently, olive oil could only be produces by placing olives in a press under a great weight. This resulted in what we today would refer to as a cold press, the healthiest kind of oil. It was used as a cooking oil and a condiment on bread, dips, etc. It was also used as an antidote to poisons, and as an ointment on bruises, open sores, and wounds. Additionally, it was the primary fuel for lamps.
In Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan, it was olive oil mixed with wine that was poured on the wounds of the severely hurt stranger (Luke 10:34).
In another parable it was olive oil that was used as fuel for the lamps of the ten virgins (Matthew 25:1-13). Olive oil was used as fuel for lamps throughout the ancient Mediterranean lands.
It was olive oil that was used in the temple menorah (Exodus 27:20) to give light to the temple interior, and it was poured upon the temple altar during some types of sacrifices (Leviticus 2 and 14).
The prophet Samuel used olive oil to anoint Saul, and David, as kings over Israel. The prophet Nathan together with Zadok the high priest anointed Solomon with olive oil to become king over Israel. All kings of Judah thereafter were anointed to become king using olive oil.
The title Messiah means ‘the anointed one (Hebrew)’ and Christ means ‘anointed of God (Greek).’ Both are titles of Jesus and refer to his being the anointed King of Kings, and the anointed Chosen One of God, being our Savior.
It was upon the Mount of Olives where Jesus first took upon himself the sins and suffering of all human kind preparatory to His crucifixion. And it will be on the Mount of Olives where Jesus will descend at the great Second Coming (Acts 1:11-12).
Considering all of the above health claims, it is no wonder why olive oil was also chosen for religious practices and symbolism.

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